Etik İlkeler Özlük Hakları
Yayına Giriş Tarihi
Güncellenme Zamanı
2007-12-13 11:13:58
Yayınlayan Birim

OECD bünyesinde faaliyet gösteren ve ülkemiz dahil 51 ülkenin kurucu üyesi olduğu Uluslararası Taşımacılık Forumu, Sekreteryası Paris‘de bulanan ve Ulaştırma Bakanlarının, üst düzey kamu görevlilerinin, endüstri kesiminin, özel sektörün ve taşımacılıktaki sivil toplum örgütlerinin bir araya gelerek taşımacılığın çeşitli boyutlarının tartışılmasına zemin hazırlayan uluslararası öneme haiz bir örgüttür.
Forumun amacı, taşımacılığın ekonomideki ve toplumdaki temel işlevine en üst düzeyde dikkat çekmek ve tüm ulaştırma modlarında küresel stratejik öneme haiz taşımacılık konularının tartışılmasını sağlayarak gerek politik karar alma sürecinde bulunan üst düzey yetkilileri ve gerekse taşımacılığa müdahil tüm otoriteleri bilinçlendirmektir. Forum her yıl farklı bir konuda cereyan etmektedir.
Mayıs 2008‘de Leipzig‘de düzenlenecek olan Forum konusu "Ulaştırma ve Enerji; İklim Değişikliği ile Mücadele" olarak belirlenmiştir.
Bu kapsamda uluslararası taşımacılıkta nitelikli politikalar üretilebilmesine destek olmak ve taşımacılıkta araştırmanın önemini vurgulamak amacıyla, Forum bünyesinde her yıl "genç araştırmacı ödülü (young research award)" verilmesine karar verilmiştir.
5000 Euro‘luk değere sahip olacak ödül, 35 yaşın altındaki araştırmacı ve akademisyenlere açık olup, (azami 25 sayfa) iklim değişikliği ve enerji konularının ulaştırma sektörüne yansımalarını içeren bir araştırmaya verilecektir. Ulaştırma konularına ilişkin temel ekonomik bilgilere hâkim olmak kaydıyla mühendislik, sosyoloji ve psikoloji gibi perspektiflerden yararlanarak hazırlamlabilecek olan araştırmanın, ileri seviyede güncel sektör bilgisi içermesi ve taşımacılık sektöründe bulunan politikacılara anahtar mesajlar verecek şekilde kaleme alınması önem taşımaktadır.

1.    Introduction
To underline the crucial importance of transport research for good policy formulation, the International Transport Forum will offer a "Young Researcher Award" as a recompense for a research paper which is both original and contributes to policy-making. The paper should relate to the 2008 Forum theme: "Transport and energy: the challenge of climate change". One of the aims of the research prize is to foster communication between research and policy.
The International Transport Forum provides a platform for Transport Ministers around the world to meet and examine strategic policy issues facing the sect*. Its annual Leipzig Forum brings Ministers and leaders of civic society together to discuss major transport issues. The International Transport Forum, which provides a framework for intergovernmental cooperation among 51 member countries, has been established by the transformation of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) into a body with greater global coverage and a broader scope of activities.
The Forum benefits from the support of the Joint Transport Research Centre, established with the OECD. Continuing a long tradition of conducting research on transport to inform the policy making process of the Ministers of Transport, the Centre will provide the annual meeting of the Forum with the findings of high-level transport research.
2.    Conditions
The award is designed as a recompense for a young researcher, or researchers (under 35 years of age) who submit(s) a paper on the theme of the May 2008 Forum in Leipzig. Specificaijf, the paper should focus on the analysis of climate change and energy issues as applied to the transport sector and

·    Advance the current state of knowledge,

·    Extract key messages from the analytical part of the work and develop conclusions having a bearing on policy design for the transport sector.

The paper should demonstrate high-quality research knowledge and techniques. It should also be written and presented in a way that is accessible to policy-makers. Mathematical and econometric demonstrations should be explained in ordinary language in the main body of the paper, with the mathematical exposition set out in an annex. The paper may also approach transport issues from an engineering, psychological or sociological point of view but should have a strong economic Understanding and content.
The paper must be recent (articles published or accepted for publication in academic journals in 2006 or 2007 are welcomed). The paper should be no longer than 25 pages (single spacing). Co-authorship is possible, in which case the award will be shared.
The award is open to young researchers who have undertaken their research in an institution, university, consultancy firm or group conducting research on transport, energy or climate change issues. The award is open to researchers of all nationalities.
3.    Procedure
A prize of EUR 5 000 will be awarded. An official award ceremony, attended by Ministers of Transporl of Forum Member countries, will be held in Leipzig during the Forum. Honorary merit awards may also be presented.
The prize will be awarded by an international panel of experts from the transport and transporl economics research sectors, under the aegis of the Joint Transport Research CentSft, The final composition of the jury will be announced in due course, but its members will include representatives of the Joint Transport Research Committee and of the World Conference on Transport Research Society.
Research papers may be drafted in either of the two official languages of the Forum (French or English) and should be sent to the Forum Secretariat in the following manner:
1.    Send in a completed Word registration form containing a brief summary of the paper
(maximum 200 words).
(Word registration form)
2.    The paper itself should be sent by e-mail - together with a letter, signed by the Director of the young researcher‘s institution or organisation, approving its submission.
Both 1) and 2) should be sent to the following address:
Deadline for reception of all documents:  15 January 2008.
For any further enquiries please contact:
Michel Violland Administrator
Joint Transport Research Centre of
the OEC‘D and the International Transport Forum
Offices: 5th floor, 2-4 rue Louis David, 75016 Paris, France
Postal address: OECD/ITF, 2 rue Andre Pascal, F-75775 Paris Ccfc 16
Tel. + 33 (0)1 45 24 87 13 Fax. + 33 (0)1 45 24 97 42

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