Etik İlkeler Özlük Hakları
Yayına Giriş Tarihi
Güncellenme Zamanı
2010-11-27 12:28:02
Yayınlayan Birim

 Türkiye‘nin de üyesi olduğu OECD teşkilatı, 33 yaşından genç ekonomi mezunlarına yönelik "Genç Profesyoneller Programı" kapsamında, Paris‘te çalışacak personel arıyor. Maaş  4 111,81 eurodan başlıyor. Bölge politikaları çalışma alanı nedeni ile şehir plancıları da başvurabilir!



Young Professional - Junior Economist - Public Governance(
Job Number:

Desc ription


Fixed-term appointment – 2 years

The OECD is a unique forum where the governments of 33 market democracies work together for a stronger, cleaner and fairer world economy.

The OECD Young Professional‘s Programme is designed to bring highly qualified and motivated entry-level professionals with diverse backgrounds into the Organisation to work on projects linked to the Strategic Orientations of the Secretary-General. At the end of the two year period, it is expected that the selected person will be able to compete for appointments to other positions within the Organisation.

Under this framework, we are looking for a Junior Economist to work on the project for subnational capacity building and the elaboration of new institutional indicators, in the Regional Development Policy Division of the Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate (GOV). The project aims to: a) build a set of indicators to measure existing sub-national governments' capacity level and shortcomings, b) identify policies to strengthen sub-national governments capacity, and c) propose tools to monitor the progress towards expected objectives, enhancing the results in terms of economic growth, sound governance and citizen's well-being. The selected person will work under the supervision of senior economists in the Division and contribute to the project of capacity development of sub-national government.

Job duties

1. Research and analysis

      Collect data to measure the level of capacity and accountability of sub-national governments, in particular using fiscal data, public investment data (including sectoral data), data collected in the OECD regional database, as well as qualitative information such as the type of public employment system, budgeting practices, public procurement, transparency, performance monitoring, etc.
      Develop a set of indicators to measure the capacity at sub-national level in a comprehensive manner.
      Identify "categories" or typologies of countries and regions' capacity building challenges and tools, taking into account, amongst other parameters, their institutional and fiscal background and the policy making process.
      Identify a toolkit of guiding principles and instruments for effective capacity building policies at sub-national government level.
      Draft papers related to sub-national capacity building and regional policy, when requested

2. Co-ordination

      Work with other staff involved with the sub-national capacity building project in the Regional Development Policy Division and other staff in the GOV Directorate in charge of data collection and elaboration of regional/institutional indicators.

3. Liaison and representation

      Contribute to the dissemination of the work of the OECD to policymakers, non-governmental organisations, other international organisations, and the academic community.
      Establish and maintain professional contacts and build networks with officials in national administrations, research institutions, other international organisations and member country Delegations.
      Participate as required in missions and workshops in member or non-member countries.

Qualifications: education, experience, communication and languages

1. Education and experience

    * A master‘s degree in institutional economics or statistics.
    * Relevant experience in the public economics/statistics field.
    * A PhD. degree (or completion before end of 2011) would be a definite advantage.
    * Candidates with a Master‘s degree should have gained a minimum of two years of directly relevant experience after obtaining their diploma.
      International experience in research and analytical activities, through studies, internships of one to two year's professional activities would be an asset.

2. Key competencies

      Demonstrated ability to analyse and research issues of public policy and statistical practice; proven skills in statistical analysis including qualitative information.
      Strong skills for analytical tools with a sound understanding of statistics related to public finances/public administration and good understanding of sub national public management issues.
      Strong analytical ability, including capacity to address clearly and quickly complex policy issues in a multidisciplinary context and to deal with highly technical subjects.
      Organisational skills, including the ability to plan and implement independent research.
      Ability to work in a multicultural team and to adapt smoothly to changing working methods and technologies.
      Proven ability to exercise initiative and to adapt to a range of different projects.
      Demonstrated capacity for innovation and self-motivation.

3. Communication and language skills

      Excellent drafting skills; proven ability to organise and summarise complex material.
      Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
      Ability to work harmoniously with colleagues within and outside the Organisation.
      Excellent knowledge of one of the two official languages of the Organisation (English and French), including very good drafting ability in that language. Working knowledge of or willingness to learn the other language.
      Knowledge of other languages would be a distinct advantage.

NB. Candidates must have the nationality of an OECD member country and be under 33 years of age on 31 December 2010. Pre-selected candidates will be required to take an on-line written test. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview.



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